World Languages
San Diego Unified School District is committed to providing language opportunities for all students. The District recognizes that in addition to being academically prepared and fully proficient in English, all students benefit from being proficient in another language. The geographic location of San Diego, as well as the diversity of the District's student population, makes the study of languages that much more important. In support of this, the District has made language learning opportunities available to all students through a variety of K-12 pathways which include:
Biliteracy Programs
Language Immersion and Dual Language Immersion Programs
Language Enrichment Programs
World Language programs and courses beginning in 7th grade per secondary school offerings.
The district currently offers world language programs and courses in 9 languages.

Beginning with the Class of 2016, SDUSD students are expected to demonstrate proficiency in English and a language other than English.

Graduation credit may be granted for coursework taken at District-approved independent world language schools outside the regular school day or school year.
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Global Education: Information and resources relating to global education, global competence, and global citizenship.
CDE: World Languages - Information relating to world languages programs, content knowledge, and pedagogy for CA education.
World Languages Framework: For California Public Schools | K-12 | Adopted by the CA State Board of Education July 2020 | Published by the CA Department of Education Sacramento, 2022.