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  • 2024-2025 | MED

    2024 - 2025 DELAC Home Page General Meetings September 19, 2024 Spanish Slides Topics: Uniform Complaint Procedure Multilingual Learner Progress Fall Data 2024 Understanding the ELPAC English Classes for Parents October 17, 2024 Spanish Slides Topics: DELAC Executive Board Elections EL Master Plan FAST and iReady Assesment Parent/Teacher Conferences Reclassification Critera November 21, 2024 Topics: Programs and Goals for ELs Seal of Biliteracy Pathway Title 1 Parent Policy Social and Emotional Wellbeing February 20, 2025 Topics: Compliance with Teacher Conduct District Needs Assessment Positive Parenting March 20, 2025 Topics: LCAP Input Dual Language Programs April 17, 2025 Topics: DELAC Elections LCAP Title III

  • MED | Multilingual Education Department | SDUSD | San Diego, CA

    双语 程式 DELAC 新人 程式 主要计划 教学计划 世界语言 这 多语言教育部 为学校网站提供识别、评估和监控英语学习者的培训和支持。我们还为我们的双语项目和双语途径提供培训和支持。 使命 全部圣地亚哥学生 将以技能、动力、好奇心和韧性毕业,以成功选择大学和职业,以领导和参与明天的社会。 想象 英语学习者 从幼儿期到十二年级,充分和有意义地获得并参与二十一教育,使他们达到高水平的英语水平,掌握年级水平标准,并有机会提高英语水平多种语言. 圣地亚哥联合学区 18,138人 英语学习者 19,485 双语接受者印章 70 使用的语言


    新人计划 圣地亚哥联合大学接收来自世界各地的移民学生,该地区使用超过 75 种语言。多语种教育部门为所有在我们学校注册和学习英语的学生提供支持。 Newcomer Welcome Center The San Diego Unified School District's Newcomer Welcome Center is a place where newcomer students and their families can learn about the district's resources, programs, and opportunities, while sharing their unique backgrounds, cultures, and aspirations. Learn More Locations Monday - Hoover High School Tuesday - San Diego High School Wed (alternating) - Mira Mesa High Thursday - Lincoln High School Friday - Crawford High School Transportation available if needed Book an Appointment ​​ ​ Appointments recommended for all languages. Drop-in services available in Spanish and Haitian Creole. ​​ ​ If your school is not located within one of the scheduled clusters, contact us to book an on-site appointment. Click HERE to Schedule Mail Phone 619-366-5770 学区范围内对所有新移民的支持 对于处于新兴英语水平的新生,我们提供以下内容: 第 1 层指定和集成 ELD 指令 在所有学校年级 K-12. 专业发展 专注于新人类型,创建基于资产的学习社区,以及满足新人独特需求的最佳实践。 补充语言课程 : 3-5 年级的基准 Hello.​ 美国国家地理 6-12 年级. Lexia 英语(在线程序)。 教学协调员或资源教师支持 用于补充小组指导、监控和 PLC 规划新人的有效策略。 ​ ​ 过渡期儿童和青少年部 还 根据需要为难民学生提供额外资源,例如定向翻译、辅导、服装和材料。 教师资源 新生课堂资源 了解更多


    双语团队。 我们的双语团队由 4 名资源教师和一名项目经理组成。该团队在选定地点提供小组指导支持。我们提供专业发展、资源和工具来帮助学校开发成功的基于研究的 DL 项目。我们为 DL 管理员提供定期协作和交流机会,以分享最佳实践和经验。 Sylvia Porras 双语 项目经理 ​ Sylvia Porras 双语 项目经理 ​ Sylvia Porras 双语 项目经理 ​ Alejandra Gomez 双语 资源老师 Nuri Vargas 双语 资源老师


    双语课程 初级 中学 世界语言 联系我们 我们的队伍 资源 CDE:全球教育 双语教学中心 DL教师资源 全球教育 多语言CA 程式 UTK Dual Language Programs Universal transitional kindergarten is a new grade level preceding kindergarten and it is open to all students turning 4 by September 1st. 单向语言沉浸 称为单向浸入式课程。 专为以英语为母语的学生学习第二语言而设计。 ​ 它们根据实施的模型在强度和结构上有所不同。 双向语言沉浸 混合两种语言教育模式:只讲英语的人和 a 双语维护 英语学习者的典范。 学生互相学习并支持彼此的第二语言习得。 ​ 发展两种语言的语言和学术能力;他们的母语和另一种语言。 单向发展双语双语 由讲西班牙语的 EL 组成(IFEP 和 RFEP 学生也可以参加)。 培养学生母语的高水平学术能力,同时发展第二语言(英语)的语言和学术能力。 中学双语途径 中学双语途径: 中学 DL 途径计划提供支持初级 DL 计划的课程。社会研究和/或科学等内容课程以相应的目标语言授课。 ​ 高中双语途径: 高中 DL 途径计划提供继续 DL 计划的课程。 社会研究和/或科学等内容课程以相应的目标语言授课。学生有机会获得加州双语印章。 ​ HIGH SCHOOL DUAL LANGUAGE PATHWAY: High School DL pathway programs offer coursework that continues DL programs with a fourth-year world language course such as Spanish 7/8 or Spanish Language AP. Students have the opportunity to receive the CA State Seal of Biliteracy. Biliteracy Pathway Awards 总体规划,第 2 章: 双语 下载 Dual Language Programs Map Map link 注册参加即将举行的培训 专业发展 Past Issues 联系我们 Veronika Lopez-Mendez Director, Dual Language Sylvia P. Ulloa Program Manager, Dual Language sporras Martha Osuna-Jacinto Instructional Coordinator, Dual Language 我们的队伍。 Alejandra Gomez DL Resource Teacher Nuri Vargas DL Resource Teacher

  • 2023-2024 | MED

    2023 - 2024 DELAC Home Page General Meetings September 28, 2023 Spanis h Slides Topics: Uniform Complaint Procedure Multilingual Learner Progress Fall Data 2023 The Importance of School Attendance Strategies to Build a Strong School/Family Partnership October 26, 2023 Topics: Title III and Consolidated Application District Master Plan for education programs and services for Multilingual Learners Parent/Teacher Conference Information for Multilingual Learners District Support for Newcomers November 30, 2023 Vietnamese Slides Spanish Slides Topics: ​ Title I Parent Policy Annual Parent Notifications & Programs for English Learners Seal of Biliteracy Pathways Social and Mental Health - Suicide Awareness and Prevention January 18, 2024 Spanish Slides Topics: Compliance with Teacher Certification Drug Prevention Positive Parenting Program February 29, 2024 Spanish Slides Topics: ​ DELAC Nominations Process SDUSD Dual Language Programs Understanding Reclassification and Alternate Reclassification English Classes for Parents - SDCCD April 11, 2024 Topics: Local Control Accountability Plan Progress District Needs Assessment DELAC Chairperson’s Annual Report 2025-2026 SDUSD School Calendar Input DELAC Elections & Candidate Statements

  • 2022-2023 | MED

    2022 - 2023 DELAC Home Page General Meetings May 4, 2023 Topics: DELAC Board Elections - Candidate Statements Voice of our students, teachers, and principals IEP: Language Access Services Parent Annual Letetr Chairperson Presentation 2023 Local Control Accountability Plan April 6, 2023 Topics: DELAC Board Nominations How to Support your Multilingual Learner in Math Language Acquisition at Home March 2, 2023 Topics: Policy, program and services input: Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) Drug Prevention Awareness Imagine Language and Learning February 2, 2023 Topics: DELAC Board Election - Results Policy, program, and services input: Local Control Accountability Plan Dual Language Programs and the California State Seal of Biliteracy Supporting Elementary Newcomers December 1, 2022 Topics: DELAC Board Elections ELPAC: Resources English Learner Needs Assessment Long Term English Learners: Info English Language Advisory Committee (ELAC) Special Education: Overview November 3, 2022 Topics: DELAC Board Nominations DELAC Legal Tasks: Compliance Teacher Certification DELAC Parent/Teacher Conferences presentation District Advisory Annual Task DELAC Legal Tasks: Reclassification October 6, 2022 Topics: Vision 2030 Consolidated Application & Title III Spending Annual Notification of District Uniform Complaint Procedures District Master Plan for Educational Programs and Services for ELs Alternative Reclassification process for dually identified ELs

  • Opt-Out of EL programs | MED

    Parent Opt-out of English Learner Programs and Services A parent/legal guardian has the right to opt their child out of English Learner (EL) programs and services. This decision must be voluntarily initiated by the parent/legal guardian and based on a full understanding of the EL child’s rights, the range of services available to the child, and the benefits of such services to the child. SDUSD may not recommend that a parent/legal guardian opt a child out of EL programs and services for any reason . If a parent/legal guardian decides to opt their child out of EL programs and services, that child still retains his or her EL status and will continue to take the Summative ELPAC until they meet the criteria to reclassify to fluent English proficient. The site must continue to monitor the English language proficiency (ELP) and academic progress of EL students who opt out of EL programs and services. If a student does not demonstrate appropriate growth in ELP or maintain appropriate academic levels, the site must inform the parent/legal guardian in a language they understand. The site is then obligated to encourage the family to resume participation in EL programs and services. Go to forms. Procedures and Guidelines for Completing Opt-out Process. Procedures and guidelines to assist parents/legal guardians who wish to opt their child out of EL programs and services: ​ • Parent/legal guardian contacts the site and requests that their child no longer receive EL programs and services for the current school year. • Site administrator schedules a meeting with the parent/legal guardian to review the letter and implications in a language that they understand. This may require an interpreter from Translation Services. The site administrator must assure that the parent/legal guardian understands all implications: The student retains EL status and takes the annual Summative ELPAC. The site administrator reviews the following student data: ELPAC history, academic standing/grades, and attendance record . • Parent/legal guardian completes opt-out form applicable only for the current school year . • Site staff makes a copy of the document for the parent/legal guardian, a copy for the site EL Coordinator for record-keeping and saves it in the student CUM. Site staff emails copy of document to • District staff enters the Opt-out form into PowerSchool in the Parent Request tab of the student’s English Learner module. Opting out of EL programs and services must be renewed on a yearly basis, and the request must be parent/legal guardian initiated. Below is the link for the Opt Out of EL Programs/Services form. FORMS English Spanish Vietnamese


    CA 双语印章 双语州印章 AB815 由州长签署并于 2011 年 10 月 8 日颁布为加州教育法典,并于 2017 年由 AB1142 修订。加州双语印章 CDE (SBB),在文凭上贴上金色印章并在成绩单上注明,认可除英语外,在一种或多种语言的口语、阅读和写作方面达到高水平的高中毕业生。学生们收到了加利福尼亚州颁发的金色印章,该印章贴在他们的文凭上,表明他们至少精通两种语言。 SBB 不收取任何费用。请参阅双语州印章常见问题解答和冠状病毒 (COVID-19) 常见问题解答 在冠状病毒健康大流行期间修订标准。 通路奖 Informational Page Pathway to Biliteracy Award 22-23 Criteria for K, 5th, 8th grade Pathway Award Frequently Asked Questions Pathway to Biliteracy Award 22-23


    管理团队。 使命与愿景 我们的学区愿景和加州英语学习者路线图愿景通过他们致力于让所有学习者(包括多语言学习者)为他们的大学和职业选择做好准备而联系在一起。我们的学生毕业时将具备成为社会领导者的技能、动力、好奇心和韧性。 ​ 玛丽莎艾伦 教学支持官 玛丽莎艾伦 教学支持官 玛丽莎艾伦 教学支持官 凯利舒兹曼 EL 项目经理 英语学习者课程、指定和综合 ELD、中学课程 杜尔西·考德威尔 教学协调员 DELAC,基础读写能力和项目 旋律玛格塔 教学协调员 私立学校、特殊教育、重新分类、ELPAC 和合规性 西尔维亚波拉斯 深度学习项目经理 双语、双语途径和世界语言 凯莉舒特勒 教学协调员 新人支持、ELD 教练、ELAC 和 ELC 艾莉丝布劳恩 教学协调员 专业发展、EL 观察与干预 旋律玛格塔 教学协调员 私立学校、特殊教育、重新分类、ELPAC 和合规性


    接触 4100正常街 加利福尼亚州圣地亚哥 92103 (619) 725-7264 名 姓 电子邮件 电话 信息 发送 感谢提交!

  • Projects | MED

    Family Resources Lexia This is your Project description. Provide a brief summary to help visitors understand the context and background of your work. Click on "Edit Text" or double click on the text box to start. Project Name This is your Project description. A brief summary can help visitors understand the context of your work. Click on "Edit Text" or double click on the text box to start. Project Name This is your Project description. Provide a brief summary to help visitors understand the context and background of your work. Click on "Edit Text" or double click on the text box to start. Project Name This is your Project description. Click on "Edit Text" or double click on the text box to start. Project Name This is your Project description. Provide a brief summary to help visitors understand the context and background of your work. Click on "Edit Text" or double click on the text box to start. Project Name This is your Project description. A brief summary can help visitors understand the context of your work. Click on "Edit Text" or double click on the text box to start.

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